- primer underneath to levelling with STAUF levelling compounds
- primer underneath STAUF wood flooring adhesives (please mind the Technical data sheet especially „suitable primers“)
Application range
- concrete C 25 / 30 according to DIN 1045 (non-skid surface)
- calcium sulphate (flow) floors
- wooden planks, wood fibre boards
- chipboards V100 (E1), OSB boards
- unlaminated gypsum fibre boards
- cement floors
Suitable subfloors
- suitable on subfloor heating systems
- good penetration
- adhesion promoter for levelling compounds
- very economical
- fast drying
Product properties
- green
- 120g when applied with roller
Required quantities per m²
- approx. 45 minutes at 20 °C
- at least 15 hours on calcium sulphate based substrates in combination with cementitious filler compounds
Drying time
- Substrates must have good absorbency.
- If adhesives are to be subsequently applied, then dilute the primer 1:1 with water.
- If reactive adhesives are to be used (SMP, SPU and PUK types) then priming with VDP 130 is unnecessary and will not improve bonding of the adhesive.
- In the case of extremely well compacted and/or accelerated screeds, please contact STAUF’s Application Engineering experts for advice.
Additional instructions 1
- minimum 15 °C, maximum 75% rel. humidity, preferably max. 65%
Room climate at work site
- frost-free
Transport requirements
- frost-free
Storage requirements
- 12 months
- D1
- EC1 plus
- 10 kg plastic canister
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